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How to Create a Viable First-Party Data Strategy in 2024?

How to Create a Viable First-Party Data Strategy in 2024?

Phasing out of third-party cookies is set to transform the online advertising industry. Advertisers must now adapt and reevaluate their data strategies and approach to privacy to show loyalty to their customers and succeed. The solution lies in the right first-party data – the valuable information from your customers. This data allows advertisers to deliver targeted campaigns in a privacy-first environment. But how do you create a successful first-party data strategy for 2024? Let’s discuss some key components of developing a comprehensive strategy.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is First-Party Data?
  2. Why is a First-Party Data Strategy Important for You?
  3. Use Cases for First-Party Data
  4. How to Create a Future-Ready First-Party Data Strategy
  5. Conclusion

What is First-Party Data?

First-party data refers to customer information that a company collects directly from its customers or website visitors. This data type may include demographic information such as age, gender, location, and income level; behavioral data such as website visits; or even psychographic information such as interests, values, and lifestyle choices. The key point to note here is that all this customer information has been gathered directly by the company itself – unlike third-party data, which has been sourced from outside companies or aggregators.

Types of data

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Sources of First-Party Data

As businesses gather first-party data from various sources, it’s important to understand where to find it. From customer purchase history to website analytics, a wealth of information can be discovered. However, locating the best data sources requires a little digging. Here’re the likely places you’ll find it:

  1. Website. Businesses can track visitor behavior, transactions, and even the tiniest actions, such as when users hover over text or images. This information can help companies craft more targeted and strategic retargeting campaigns that deliver a personalized experience to visitors.
  2. Mobile apps. When users try to download a brand app, it shows their enthusiasm towards the brand. But this enthusiasm can only be used if you extract useful data from the app. That’s why it’s essential to define which user events are meaningful and to log and measure them.
  3. Mobile web. While the mobile version of a website can still collect valuable data, some key differences must be considered. One limitation is the inability to use JavaScript or cookies on some devices. However, encouraging users to log in can solve this problem. Businesses can track user behavior that they might have missed by collecting meaningful user interactions, even in a cookieless environment.
  4. Email and SMS. Email and SMS data offer valuable information into audience behavior. Namely, digital marketing specialists can determine open, click, and bounce rates through email data, providing a historical perspective on consumer engagement. Moreover, email data can be used to segment audiences and create targeted campaigns for customers with different interest levels. SMS data is similar in that; it allows brands to interact with customers intimately, making it a powerful tool for gauging audience interest.
  5. Point of sale and CRM. Point of sale and customer relationship management (CRM) allow you to know your customers better. Brands can provide targeted messaging that resonates with their interests and preferences. Better yet, this data can help brands measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and decide what’s working and what’s not.
  6. Beacon technology. Beacons hold immense potential when it comes to tracking consumer behavior. These small devices help retailers understand how customers interact with their stores and products. By using beacon technology, retailers can collect information on a consumer’s movements and track consumer preferences, allowing them to tailor their inventories to meet changing demands.
  7. Call centers. Call centers are at the forefront of customer interactions and are critical in shaping a brand’s reputation. Whether it’s to initiate new accounts or deal with issues, call centers are many customers’ first point of contact. Brands recognize the value of investing in automation systems and training to enhance the selling and service experience. However, the wealth of data generated through these interactions is often overlooked.

Why is a First-Party Data Strategy Important for You?

Here’s why your business needs robust first-party data strategies:

  • Deeper customer insights. Solid first-party data, collected directly from your own customers, shows their preferences, behavior, and pain points. Unlike unreliable third-party data, it’s accurate and trustworthy, and allows you to truly understand what makes them tick.
  • Targeted advertising campaigns. You can create data-driven advertising campaigns for specific customer segments and retarget website visitors with ads for products they just viewed.
  • Customer journey optimization. A well-defined 1st party data strategy includes transforming the entire customer journey. By understanding your customers’ needs and preferences, you can tailor every touchpoint, from product recommendations to customer service interactions, to exceed expectations.
  • Data-driven decisions. You can track the effectiveness of your campaigns, measure ROI, and make sure that every investment delivers a tangible return.
  • Strong customer relationships. By collecting and using customer, you show respect for their privacy and value their input.

Use Cases for First-Party Data

From optimizing marketing efforts to personalizing user experiences, there’re numerous use cases for leveraging first-party data that any business should take advantage of. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Marketing optimization. First-party data can be used to optimize your marketing campaigns. By collecting customer data such as interests and preferences, you can tailor your marketing messages to resonate better with your target audience. With this insight, you can create more targeted ad campaigns tailored specifically to each user’s needs and interests.
  • Personalization. For example, you can collect information such as purchase history or browsing behavior to offer recommendations or customize product suggestions based on their needs and interests. Additionally, you can also use this information to make sure your website content is relevant and engaging for each user based on their specific preferences.
  • Analytics & insights. By analyzing first-party data, you can gain valuable insights into customer behavior that will help inform future decisions about product development and digital strategy. Tracking how users interact with your website, or products allows you to identify areas of improvement and increase efficiency in your operations. Additionally, first-party data strategies can also help uncover hidden trends in customer behavior that could give you an edge over competitors who may not be using this type of analysis.

What Does It Mean for Marketers?

For marketers, using first-party data strategy provides an array of benefits when it comes to understanding their customer base. Firstly, by owning the collected customer information, companies can use customer data without worrying about adhering to any privacy regulations associated with third-party or publicly available datasets. Also, collecting data in-house guarantees that it’s accurate and up-to-date.

How to Create a Future-Ready First-Party Data Strategy

To build an effective first-party data strategy, you must carefully design a plan for collecting and utilizing first-party data. This includes gathering information directly from customers via channels that you own and manage, and ensuring that you have their consent to do so. Building a first-party data strategy also involves taking a close look at your existing data collection methods and assessing how they align with your business goals. It also requires understanding the tools and technologies to help you analyze and apply your findings.

1. Define Top Priorities

Without clear priorities, a first-party data strategy can remain unfocused and ineffective. It’s important to stick to the concept of a privacy-first web. The three core priorities of this paradigm – trust and loyalty, a holistic approach, and a single source of up-to-date information – are vital in safeguarding user data and creating robust privacy protocols. Let’s quickly review each of them.

First-party data strategy priorities

  • Trust and loyalty. Trust and reputation are key to success. But as we rely more and more on customer data to improve and personalize experience and target marketing efforts, the stakes are higher than ever before. Consumers are becoming more aware of the risks associated with sharing their personal information, and expectations for privacy and security are on the rise. Misuse of this data can lead to a loss of customer trust and put a company’s reputation on the line. That’s why anyone using first-party data strategies must prioritize privacy throughout the customer journey.
  • Holistic approach. As the importance of data privacy and protection continues to grow, many businesses face legal challenges related to compliance. At the same time, a shift away from traditional marketing methods, such as the use of cookies, threatens to impact business performance. What’s most challenging is that these two issues often exist separately within different departments and teams, making it difficult to create a cohesive strategy. That said, companies that can bring these areas together and work collaboratively for the business’s and its customers’ good have better chances of succeeding. By prioritizing shared goals and cross-functional collaboration, navigating these challenges and emerging stronger on the other side is possible.
  • A single source of up-to-date information. Unfortunately, many companies lack a mature 1st party data strategy, making it difficult to establish a reliable source of information for decision-making. By using reliable platforms like GA4, your business can access the right information in a way that is both compliant and respectful of customer privacy needs. Overall, successful first-party data management is critical for driving better insights and decision-making and requires a collaborative effort throughout your organization.

2. Identify Your Goal

Creating a first-party data strategy starts with understanding what you want to achieve. What do you want to accomplish with the data? Is it increasing customer loyalty? Driving more sales? Improving customer experience? Having clearly defined goals will help guide the rest of the process and ensure your efforts focus on what matters most to you.

Once you’ve identified your objectives, it’s time to think about the tools you’ll need to gather the relevant data. This could include surveys, focus groups, customer interviews, and more. Website analytics can also be a valuable resource, revealing how users interact with your digital platforms. Ultimately, the key is to identify where you can gain customer insights to shape your strategies for maximum impact.

3. Create an Effective Data Collection System

Once you know what data types are needed to reach your goals, it’s time to start collecting them. You’ll need to establish an ongoing process for collecting and analyzing the data and procedures for storing and protecting it securely. Additionally, think about setting up automated systems or systems with integrated artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to quickly gather insights from large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured datasets.

4. Analyze Data

Now that you have all valuable information, what should you do with it? That’s where analysis comes in. It’s important to analyze the data valuable for decision-making and make improvements within your business operations or marketing initiatives. Consider using technologies such as AI or machine learning algorithms to automate these analyses and uncover patterns or correlations between different sets of information quickly and accurately.

5. Figure out Your Measurement Plan

Start by setting clear KPIs aligned with your goals. Want to improve customer engagement? Track website visits, email open rates, and social media interactions. Aiming for higher sales? Monitor conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value.

Next, tackle data attribution. Track the journey of your data-driven initiatives across different customer touchpoints – from personalized ads that spark initial interest to website visits that lead to conversions. By understanding where your efforts pay off, you can optimize your strategies for maximum impact. You can learn about it in our recent article.

Finally, make regular reporting and analysis a habit. Don’t just collect data, analyze it! Look for trends and refine your strategies based on your findings. Even the best-laid plans need adjustments. By continuously measuring and analyzing your results, you can ensure your first-party data strategy is always working towards your goals.

6. Invest in Personalization

Your customers are unique, and they lack real-time personalization. Use all that info that you gather – purchases, website visits, even age and location – to show your ads only to people who actually care about what you are selling. Monitor what’s working and what’s not and make your ads even more effective over time. This way, you’ll connect with your customers on a deeper level and show them you understand their needs.

7. Engage Senior Leadership

Creating a successful first-party data strategy requires support from the highest levels of leadership. Engaging senior leaders in key data issues is vital to get the buy-in necessary to make the strategy a core part of the business. By showing the importance of data and its potential positive impact on the company’s bottom line, leaders can be persuaded to invest in the necessary tools, training, and personnel needed to gather and analyze data. Establishing this support can also help foster a company culture that prioritizes data-driven decision-making.

8. Consider Legal and Ethical Risks

One important step that sometimes gets overlooked when strategizing is the legal and ethical implications of handling first-party data. This information can be sensitive and must be handled carefully, so it’s crucial to ensure your infrastructure is aligned with any current or upcoming regulations and policies (like GDPR or CCPA) established by your organization. Updating these strategies early on and being mindful of potential legal and ethical ramifications is the backbone of building a successful first-party data strategy and understanding your customers.

9. Collaborate with Accredited Agencies

Partnering with accredited agencies can be a game-changer for your company. Such agencies possess top-notch solutions and a pool of talented experts who can guide you through the complexities of privacy-first advertising while helping you drive growth. By working with these agencies, you can create a data-driven, privacy-compliant business that delivers results.


Now you know what a first-party data strategy is and that developing it isn’t easy. But it’s certainly worth taking the time to get it right. By identifying clear goals, creating an effective system for gathering and managing customer data, and analyzing that information effectively, you can unlock new ways to satisfy your customers and build direct relationships with them. With these tips in mind, there’s no reason why any business shouldn’t be able to craft an effective first-party data strategy for 2024.

The future of marketing belongs to those who understand their customers best. Take the first step towards and discover how we can help you make 2024 the year you truly connect with your customers. Contact our data strategy consultancy for a personalized digital strategy services.

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