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ML and Data Science for Marketing and eCommerce Projects

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Max is an analytics expert @Viden, specializing in Looker Studio, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, BigQuery and more, with years of experience in analytics strategy, identifying new trends, challenges, and opportunities for brands across digital.
ML and Data Science for Marketing and eCommerce Projects

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, it is becoming increasingly important to leverage machine learning (ML) and data science to ensure that your projects are successful. ML and data science can help you gain valuable insights into customer behavior, target specific audiences, and optimize your campaigns. Let’s take a look at how ML and data science can be used in marketing and eCommerce projects.

ML and Data Science for eCommerce: Statistics

The exponential rise of AI in the past decade has undeniably affected retail, from streamlining customer support services to creating adaptive marketing strategies with tailored recommendations. AI has transformed the industry by introducing automation into the equation, making it easier for retailers to keep up with customer demands and trends without breaking their budgets.
Businesses that understand this and make smart use of AI-powered solutions will be able to stay ahead of the competition and build a more productive, successful operation — one that can anticipate shifts in consumer behavior before they happen.

The outlook for AI in retail is extremely promising; its seemingly endless applications have made it a must-have for companies wanting to stay competitive in today’s global market. With projected revenues, the global market for AI in retail is expected to reach 23.32 billion U.S. dollars by 2027, from three billion U.S. dollars in 2019. And we can expect to see even greater growth as the years go on.

Global AI Retail Market Forecasts

Source: tovie.ai

Benefits of Using ML and Data Science for eCommerce

Optimizing the Customer Experience with ML

Machine Learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence that allows machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. It is used by eCommerce businesses to optimize the customer experience in various ways, such as providing personalized recommendations, automating customer service tasks, or analyzing user behavior on the website. With ML, eCommerce businesses can easily segment customers based on purchase history and other factors to provide more targeted promotions or discounts. Furthermore, ML algorithms can detect patterns in customer behavior that would otherwise be hard to spot manually, allowing for more efficient marketing strategies.

Improving Productivity with Data Science

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines statistics, machine learning, and computer science to analyze large datasets and solve complex problems. For eCommerce businesses, this means having access to insights about product performance, pricing structure optimization, or inventory management. By leveraging the power of data science tools like predictive modeling or natural language processing (NLP), eCommerce businesses can reduce costs while improving efficiency. Additionally, these tools can be used to automate tedious tasks such as product categorization or content analysis so that employees can focus on more important tasks.

Enhancing eCommerce Site Search

Another way that machine learning helps to improve your eCommerce site searches is through personalized results. Using machine learning algorithms such as collaborative filtering and natural language processing (NLP), your website can personalize search results based on previous behaviors or interests, making the customer’s experience more customized and relevant. For example, suppose you are an apparel store with a vast selection of products. In that case, NLP can analyze a customer’s query to determine which items might be most relevant based on their past purchases or searches. This means customers will find what they are looking for faster, saving them time and energy.

Also, machine learning allows for accurate autocomplete suggestions when customers are typing in their queries. Autocomplete algorithms use data from previous searches to predict what a user might be searching for before they finish typing out their query. This helps customers find what they want even faster than before and reduces the time spent searching for items by eliminating potential typos or incorrect spelling within search queries.

Finally, machine learning helps improve search result filtering by automatically categorizing search results into sections such as “most popular” or “new arrivals.” This makes it easier and faster for customers to narrow down their search results so they can find exactly what they are looking for without having to scroll through hundreds of options or manually filter by category or price range. It also encourages shoppers to explore different items beyond those they initially intended to buy, increasing the chances that they will make additional purchases while browsing your store’s offerings.

ML and Data Science Use Cases

Machine Learning and data science have many useful applications. They can be used in many aspects of retail. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Data Collection & Analysis

Data collection is key for any successful project. It allows you to get an accurate picture of your customers, how they behave, what drives them to purchase, etc. By leveraging ML and data science tools such as Python or R programming language, you can automate the data collection process so that you can access real-time insights into customer behavior. This will allow you to make timely decisions that can directly impact the success of your project.

Once the data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to gain meaningful insights into customer behavior. This is where ML algorithms come into play. These algorithms allow you to identify patterns within the collected data that can then be used to inform future marketing strategies or product development initiatives. For example, if you discover that certain types of customers tend to convert more frequently than others, you can use this information to tailor your campaigns accordingly.

Predictive Modeling & Optimization

In addition to collecting and analyzing customer data, ML and data science can also be used for predictive modeling and optimization purposes. Marketers can create models that predict customer behaviors based on past trends or current conditions by taking advantage of predictive analytics tools such as Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platforms (GCP). This type of predictive modeling allows marketers to address potential issues before they become major problems – helping them save time and resources in the long run.

Additionally, these analytics tools enable marketers to optimize their campaigns by testing parameters such as ad copy or targeting criteria to maximize their return on investment (ROI). Through A/B testing or multivariate testing techniques, marketers can determine which versions of their campaigns perform best – allowing them to fine-tune their strategies for maximum efficiency.

Automated Pricing

At its core, automated pricing relies on algorithms that can help businesses adjust their prices in order to maximize their profits. This algorithm uses data from historical sales, competitor prices, customer segmentation, and other factors to determine the best price for each item or service. In many cases, this data is pulled from the business’s own database, which allows them to make informed decisions about pricing without relying on outside sources.

Automated pricing also allows businesses to adjust their prices quickly in response to market changes or customer demand. For example, suppose a particular product starts selling faster than expected due to an influx of customers or a change in consumer behavior. In that case, automated pricing can be used to quickly adjust the price of that product so that it remains competitive while still maximizing profits. Additionally, automated pricing can help businesses identify and avoid predatory behaviors from competitors attempting to drive down prices to gain market share.

Another benefit of automated pricing is that it can be used by businesses with multiple locations to ensure that all locations are charging the same amount for products and services. This helps reduce confusion among customers who may shop at different locations but expect consistent prices across all stores. It also helps ensure uniformity among different locations and prevents any one location from undercutting another within the same company – something that could lead to lost profits over time if left unchecked.

AI-Driven Reviews

AI reviews are powered by algorithms that aggregate data from multiple sources to come up with insights about the customer experience. This data includes customer feedback, surveys, and ratings from various platforms such as Facebook or Yelp. The algorithm then uses this data to identify patterns in customer behavior and generate actionable insights into what customers like or dislike about your products and services. By understanding these patterns, you can better satisfy your customers and improve their overall experience.

Using AI to analyze customer reviews allows businesses to gain valuable insights into their customers’ needs and preferences quickly and accurately. This helps businesses adjust their strategies accordingly to provide better services that effectively meet those needs. Additionally, AI can help businesses automate certain processes, such as responding to negative reviews before they become public knowledge or identifying specific keywords in positive reviews that need highlighting on social media platforms. This automation eliminates manual labor costs associated with analyzing large amounts of customer feedback and helps businesses save money in the long run.

Fraud Detection in eCommerce Transactions

An AI-powered transaction monitoring system is one of the most powerful tools that businesses can use to detect fraudulent activity. This kind of system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data such as payment histories, spending patterns, account information, and more. The system then flags any suspicious behavior, allowing the business to take steps to protect itself from potential losses due to fraud. Additionally, by using AI technology, businesses can create more accurate models that can identify unusual behaviors or trends more quickly—allowing them to react more quickly and efficiently if a fraudulent transaction occurs.

Another way companies use data science and AI technology is through risk assessments. By analyzing customer data such as credit score ratings and demographic information, businesses can better assess the risk associated with each individual transaction—and make more informed decisions about which ones should be allowed through their systems. This helps ensure that only legitimate transactions are processed while effectively blocking any attempted fraud attempts from getting past their defenses.

Additional Applications of ML and Data Science in the eCommerce Industry

  1. Marketing Attribution

    An algorithmic approach to marketing attribution offers greater accuracy compared to the heuristic approach because it is based on data patterns and not on predetermined rules. Since today the acquisition path of the user is often non-linear and may include several touchpoints and devices, rule-based attribution approaches may not be as effective as they used to be. With algorithmic marketing attribution, the most effective channels could be identified, and the marketing mix could be analyzed from different perspectives, bringing unexpected insights. The Shapley value method and Markov Chains approach are among the most popular frameworks to solve this problem.

  2. Conversion Modeling for Marketing Optimization

    The conversion modeling approach could be used to optimize advertising campaigns and simultaneously accelerate their exit from the learning phase. In a nutshell, conversion probability is calculated for each session, and when it exceeds some threshold (e.g., 5%), it could be sent to the advertising tool of choice. Modeled conversions complement observed conversions and help advertising platforms’ algorithms acquire valuable customers. Basically, any classification model could be used to predict conversion probability.

  3. Time Series Forecasting

    Forecasting time series is one of the most popular data science tasks and could be applied to various situations. For instance, it could be used to forecast demand for a certain product or predict the number of leads next month. Knowing the predicted values of the metrics of interest can greatly help when planning future business activities.

Key Challenges of Implementing ML and Data Science

The implementation of machine Learning and data science to eCommerce and retail poses significant challenges, especially in terms of the collection and management of data. Here’re a few of them.

Challenge 1. Moving from experimentation to production, maintaining models quality, and ensuring the interpretability of models

Solution: Apply MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) practices and techniques

According to Google Cloud Practitioners Guide to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps):

MLOps is a methodology for ML engineering that unifies ML system development (the ML element) with ML system operations (the Ops element). It advocates formalizing and (when beneficial) automating critical steps of ML system construction. MLOps provides a set of standardized processes and technology capabilities for building, deploying, and operationalizing ML systems rapidly and reliably.” [Source: Google Cloud]

Detailed information on specific MLOps practices can be found in the following resources created by Google Cloud:

Challenge 2: Data quality issues

Poor data quality will likely hinder the successful implementation of the project. Fortunately, data quality can be measured and improved accordingly. Use the following criteria to measure data quality:

  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Format
  • Consistency
  • Duplication – Integrity

Solution: Advocate for establishing a data governance framework in your organization and incorporate data quality components to it

Challenge 3: Mismatch between business expectations and developers’ implementation

Possible solutions:

  • Ensure regular and effective communication between all stakeholders
  • Set success metrics for the project
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are aware that machine learning projects are iterative and include conducting experiments, not all of which may be successful

Cloud Platforms to Implement ML Projects

One of the options where you can implement ML projects is cloud platforms. This is one of the most popular options because clouds have the following advantages:

  • Flexible pricing
  • Scaling
  • A wide ecosystem of products and services
  • Great opportunities for collaboration
  • Active development of ML products and services

Some of the most popular platforms for project implementation include:

Let’s take a look at two of the platforms listed above in more detail — AWS and Google Cloud.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides two large groups of ML-related services:

  • Pre-trained AI services for a wide variety of applications (time series forecasting, image and video analysis, translation, chatbots, and others)
  • Amazon SageMaker – a service for ML model development and deployment by using frameworks and programming languages of choice. Interestingly, the service has some low-code ML tools that allow us to test hypotheses quickly and accelerate development.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud offers the following ML products:

  • BigQuery ML allows users to create ML models using SQL queries inside BigQuery (serverless data warehouse)
  • Vertex AI is an ML platform that lets users create and use ML models which makes it unique. It also includes no-code tools like pre-trained APIs and AutoML and advanced custom training features for more sophisticated users. Vertex AI provides products and services for each stage of ML workflow and helps implement MLOps practices effectively.
  • Further Reading: How to Export and Migrate Data from GA4 to BigQuery?

    Additional Low-code Tools to Implement Machine Learning in eCommerce Projects

    Low-code approaches present an attractive solution to businesses seeking an efficient platform for implementation at a relatively low cost. Fortunately, many low-code tools make the machine learning integration process smoother and more secure, allowing businesses to remain in control of their customer data and ensure its security. They include:

    • Google Analytics 4

      Google Analytics is one of the most popular and widely used analytics platforms. It allows you to track website visitors, measure conversions, and understand user behavior on your website. You can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences by leveraging Google Analytics’ built-in machine learning capabilities. This information can then be used to craft personalized experiences for customers and increase sales.

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    • Dialogflow

      DialogFlow is another popular tool for implementing machine learning in eCommerce projects. It enables developers to create natural language processing (NLP) bots that can interact with customers via chatbots or voice commands. With Dialogflow, you can quickly create intelligent chatbots that understand customer queries and respond appropriately. This makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for without needing to navigate your website manually.

    Final Thoughts

    As a marketer, make sure you leverage machine learning for marketing and eCommerce projects. By doing so, you can collect valuable insights into customer behavior that could help create predictive models based on past trends or current conditions.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with analytics tools that encompass machine learning features. We would be happy to assist you in gaining valuable customer insights.

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