Digital Analytics Strategy

Up to 73% of company data goes unused for a strategic purpose (according to Forrester). What if they could unlock this hidden potential and use data to empower decision-making? We develop custom digital analytics strategies, ensuring that every piece of data becomes a valuable asset.

Our Digital Analytics Strategy Services

We put in place all our data capabilities and enable your organization to drive insights and business value from data

  • Strategic data collection and implementation

    Strategic data collection and implementation

    We start by identifying the most relevant data sources for your business. Then we design a strategic data collection plan that ensures you capture the right data at the right time.

  • Data compliance and privacy consulting

    Data compliance and privacy consulting

    Helping you navigate compliance with ease. Ensuring your data practices align with the latest legal requirements and industry best practices, safeguarding your reputation and customer trust.

  • Effective data visualization and reporting

    Effective data visualization and reporting

    Data is only valuable when it is understandable. Our data visualization experts turn complex data sets into clear, visually engaging reports.

  • Customer journey and experience analysis

    Customer journey and experience analysis

    Analyzing every touchpoint in the customer journey to pinpoint opportunities for improvement, personalization, and engagement, leading to stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

  • Website and app analytics

    Website and app analytics

    Our website and app analytics services delve deep into user behavior, enabling us to optimize your digital platforms, identify what works, what does not, and where to invest your resources for the best results.

  • Consulting for data-driven decision making

    Consulting for data-driven decision making

    Every decision you make should be rooted in data. We provide consulting services to guide your organization toward a culture of data-driven decision making.

  • Conversion rate optimization

    Conversion rate optimization

    To maximize your ROI, we offer conversion rate optimization services. We identify bottlenecks in your customer funnel and implement strategies to boost conversions, resulting in increased revenue and improved customer satisfaction.

  • Predictive analytics

    Predictive analytics

    Our predictive analytics services utilize historical data to forecast future trends and opportunities. By analyzing patterns and outliers, we help you stay ahead of the curve and make proactive, data-informed decisions.

  • Competitive analysis

    Competitive analysis

    Get the upper hand by understanding your competition. We provide in-depth competitive analysis, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, and market opportunities, allowing for more effective strategic planning.

Our Digital Analytics Strategy Framework

The data and analytics journey requires a holistic approach. Our digital analytics framework is designed to translate your data into actionable strategies that drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately propel your business to new heights.

  • Defining objectives Step 1

    Defining objectives Step 1

    Clearly identifying the objectives and goals our client wants to achieve through digital analytics. These objectives provide the foundation for the entire strategy.

  • Developing a plan Step 2

    Developing a plan Step 2

    Crafting a mission statement and setting specific goals and KPIs that align with your mission. This step ensures that our analytics efforts are purpose-driven and focused.

  • IIdentifying key stakeholders Step 3

    IIdentifying key stakeholders Step 3

    Our focus extends to recognizing essential stakeholders, including the target audience, organizational leadership, and analytics experts. We delve into their roles and requirements to gain a comprehensive understanding.

  • Determining KPIs, tools, and technology Step 4

    Determining KPIs, tools, and technology Step 4

    Selecting the KPIs that will measure the success of your digital analytics strategy. Choosing the appropriate analytics tools and technology to gather and analyze data effectively.

  • Assessing data sources and tracking methods Step 5

    Assessing data sources and tracking methods Step 5

    Identifying the various data sources available and the tracking methods to be employed for reporting. This step involves evaluating what data is necessary to meet your KPIs.

  • Reporting, monitoring, and analyzing Step 6

    Reporting, monitoring, and analyzing Step 6

    Developing a reporting framework to track progress and monitor data regularly. Utilizing analytics tools to analyze data and gain insights into performance.

  • Testing metrics with real-world examples Step 7

    Testing metrics with real-world examples Step 7

    Ensuring that the selected metrics align with your goals. Testing each metric with real-world examples to verify their relevance and connection to your mission and objectives.

  • Implementing changes & communicating results Step 8

    Implementing changes & communicating results Step 8

    Implementing changes and optimizations based on analytics insights. Communicating the results and findings to key stakeholders, including management, to ensure alignment with the business goals.

Why Choose Us for Digital Analytics Strategy Services?

We are Google Marketing Platform Certified in Google Analytics 4 and Tag Manager. Choose us for the latest and most effective strategies, backed by Google’s approval.

Our analysts are the heart and soul of our success. They are passionate innovators who thrive on transforming raw data into actionable strategies that produce remarkable results.

Our portfolio is a testament to numerous successful projects. With VIDEN, you are securing a guarantee of success, with past projects serving as solid evidence of our ability to deliver tangible, real-world results.

Analytics is woven into our DNA. Every marketing campaign is a carefully calculated move that delivers measurable results and maintains your competitive edge.

We are Google Marketing Platform Certified in Google Analytics 4 and Tag Manager. Choose us for the latest and most effective strategies, backed by Google’s approval.

Our analysts are the heart and soul of our success. They are passionate innovators who thrive on transforming raw data into actionable strategies that produce remarkable results.

Our portfolio is a testament to numerous successful projects. With VIDEN, you are securing a guarantee of success, with past projects serving as solid evidence of our ability to deliver tangible, real-world results.

Analytics is woven into our DNA. Every marketing campaign is a carefully calculated move that delivers measurable results and maintains your competitive edge.

Our Clients

Enjoy a long list of our happy clients who embedded a digital mindset, processes, and solutions within their organizations

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Case Studies

Learn how we have identified and selected appropriate comparative data that supported our clients’ business objectives

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data match
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data reliability
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growth in conversion rate
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growth in customers
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data match
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data match
View all case studies

How do I set up a digital advertising strategy?

How can data analytics improve marketing strategy?

Data analytics can enhance marketing strategies by enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and their behaviors. With data analytics, you can target your audience more effectively, create personalized content and recommendations, optimize marketing campaigns, and even predict future trends.

How to craft a modern, actionable data and analytics strategy that delivers business outcomes?

To create a modern data and analytics strategy that yields business outcomes, start by setting clear objectives that align with your business goals. Identify the data sources you need, ensure data quality, select the right tools and technologies, implement data governance practices, invest in talent and skills, and translate data into actionable insights. If this is something you can not manage by yourself, book a 15-minute strategy call with our Team.

How does the implementation of an enterprise-wide data and analytics strategy help organizations?

Implementing an enterprise-wide data and analytics strategy offers various advantages. It promotes data-driven decision making, improves operational efficiency, encourages innovation, provides a competitive advantage, helps with risk management, and enhances the overall customer experience.

How to measure the success of your big data and analytics strategy?

Success in a big data and analytics strategy can be measured through return on investment (ROI), key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with business objectives, data quality assessment, user adoption of analytics tools, the impact of insights on decision-making, and comparisons with industry benchmarks.

How to develop an innovation strategy using data and analytics?

Developing an innovation strategy with data and analytics involves identifying business objectives, identifying relevant data sources, analyzing data for trends and opportunities, generating ideas based on insights, piloting innovative projects, and iterating to improve their impact.

What companies use data analytics in their strategy?

Numerous companies across various industries employ data analytics in their strategies. Examples include Amazon, Netflix, Google, Walmart, Facebook, Tesla, and Procter & Gamble. These companies use data analytics for purposes such as customer recommendations, content personalization, supply chain optimization, advertising, inventory management, autonomous driving, and product development.

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      to connect the dots between data and business growth