Facebook Creatives: Which Ads Convert the Best?

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Nikita is a digital advertising expert @Viden with diverse marketing experience, focused on driving results for brands across Facebook Ads, Google Ads & more.
Facebook Creatives: Which Ads Convert the Best?

There are different types of formats you can use to create ads on Facebook. Depending on the campaign objective, your ads can also appear on other placements such as Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. Here are the formats you can use:

  • Image. A static picture usually of the brand or product with the headline message you would like to deliver.
  • Video. A format to add movements to the ads.
  • Carousel. A list of up to 10 images or video ads that are shown as one single ad, each has its own link.
  • Instant Experience. A full-screen experience happens instantly if the user taps your ad on mobile. It’s a great format to visually catch attention to your ad.
  • Collection. Placement of multiple products or services that allows the audience to browse and interact with your product/service as an Instant Experience in an immersive way.

The choice of ad format should reflect your campaign goal. According to Facebook Ads Guide, Static + Video ads work better together and show a 17% higher conversion lift vs. just static images alone. The combination of these two formats complements each other in messaging and may attract different types of audiences.

As a Facebook Partner, we summed up the best practices to create ads with higher conversion rate:

  1. Mention the brand and your product or service early. The first 3 seconds of any ad are the most important. Use this time to show your brand name and the product/service you are advertising.
  2. Provoke. Increase engagement with your audience. Create promo offers, and ask questions. Making text under 280 characters will give you a higher lift as well.
  3. Catch attention. Develop bright visuals, catchy headlines, and quick movements.
  4. Try different formats. Every campaign is specific and different. If one strategy has worked for one campaign it doesn’t mean it will work for the other one. Play with different formats, visuals, and text. Analyze them and see what works best for each specific campaign.

Download the guide with the examples of creatives advised by Facebook that showed a high conversion rate

If you need a consultation to discuss your marketing strategy, we are always glad to help.

* All ads are listed as an example for your inspiration and belong to Facebook. Source.

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