Top Social Media Trends to Watch in 2023

The social media reality is always fluctuating, with new trends popping up yearly and old trends fading away. Today the social media landscape looks scattered, and it’s hard to predict what will happen in a year. The total number of social media users is about 4.74 billion worldwide. This number is growing every year, with 190 million new users joining social media since last year. Regarding the most popular social media platforms, Facebook remains one of the most widely used. The top list also includes:

  • Youtube
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • WeChat
  • TikTok

More users mean bigger outreach but also increased competition. That’s why it’s high time to look at the upcoming social media marketing trends to understand where you should focus your marketing efforts.

Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023

Trend 1. Social Commerce

As social media and social messaging is on the rise, we’ve seen increased popularity of social commerce, where brands use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to promote their products and services. This is a more convenient and interactive way to communicate with customers, which explains its growing popularity. According to Statista, global sales through social media platforms were estimated at 992 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. And the value of social commerce sales would reach around 2.9 trillion U.S. dollars by 2026. Currently, four major social platforms provide social commerce tools. They include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. For most social media platforms, video content is the most popular, with 88% of people wishing to see more video content from brands.

Trend 2. Social Justice and Brand Involvement

More and more brands will join a public discourse on social media regarding political, environmental issues and social justice. More than half of social media users support the trend of business activism and are eager to see your brand engaging on difficult topics. The most recent term supports the problem of inequity between men and women by large corporations. This tactic can also be a booster to make your brand more human by involving it through content on a given topic. Additionally, it creates a positive outlook toward your brand. One thing to keep in mind before engaging in such activities is that you should be careful about how sensitive your topic is and how your audience is in line with it.

Trend 3. Decentralized Social Networks

Consumers, not big companies, will run the future of social media. As a rule, decisions on how data is stored, what can be published, and much more are made by those who lead the network. Consumers rarely have a say. But in 2023, we’ll see the rise of decentralized networks where users have more control. There isn’t any reasonable solution yet, as consumers expect different levels of free speech and censorship. But it’s obvious now that without a centralized force, there’s an increased risk of radicalization and toxicity. This social media trend won’t take over in 2023, but it’ll draw the attention of big players. We can expect that social media platforms will deal with more of the issues raised by consumers and put more power in the hands of their users.

Trend 4. The Metaverse Rush

The idea of the metaverse — a mix of digital and real-world realities — appeared on the horizon last year. Now it’s a trend everyone wants to follow. With a potential market of $800 billion, more players are expected to join the context. Today the concept is entering a crucial time, with some metaverses starting to thrive while others are disappearing. Which metaverses will win or lose will hinge upon consumers and their opinion. Why do we mention metaverses? The truth is that monthly conversations about metaverses are increasing yearly. And any new metaverse announcement causes a new wave of mentions that could provoke the storm. 2023 might witness the first fully realized metaverse, and brands should equip themselves to be ready to get on board.

Trend 5. Short Video & TikTok

When it comes to video content, Youtube still dominates in this area. The video boom is increasing yearly, with big platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter expanding their video capabilities. However, an interesting social media trend has occurred with the rise of TikTok. Short-form videos have become a popular wave among younger audiences. This is because this content is easy and inexpensive to create and results in great user-generated content. Instagram followed the steps of TikTok and launched a new feature — Instagram Reels. Even though these platforms differ, this content type has also seen a significant boost.

Further reading: How to Advertise on TikTok: The Ultimate Guide 2022

Trend 6. Renewed Interest in Other Platforms

While Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are on the rise, there’s also interest in other social media platforms like Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. This means that video is not the only content type that benefits from recent social media trends. For example, Pinterest showed huge growth during COVID; they added over 26 million users. This is because many homeowners decided to renovate their houses during this time. And also due to the nature of this social media platform. Pinterest is an ideas-based social network from which people draw inspiration and find useful project tricks. And for renters, a sudden boom in work-from-home spaces also drove people to Pinterest.
Another popular social media platform — LinkedIn — has seen a renaissance compared to Facebook. The reason is the increased need for online professional networking as people have started to spend more time online. And since networking requires much interaction, there was a hike in organic engagement.
Finally, Snapchat is swiftly becoming a favorite messaging platform for millennials. This is because younger people want to have more personal and face-to-face conversations.

Further reading: LinkedIn Hook: Create Ads that Hit Your Target Audience

Trend 7. Sustainability and Inclusiveness

Now we can witness a serious concern for humanity’s impact on our planet. And every brand should consider a new trend and take concerted actions to change the status quo. There’s even a sense of urgency around ecology, sustainability, and net zero. Consumers want brands to make a difference and put people above profit. That’s why we expect more businesses to focus on being eco-friendly and sustaining the environment in the upcoming years. Nowadays, many brands are chasing this trend. However, the challenge isn’t only to embed these terms into brand positioning but also to shelter them under their corporate culture. The company’s success will depend on having a clear objective across all communication channels and ensuring a balance between respect for the environment, financial growth, and the social health of the communities. The increasing focus on these three pillars will influence society and reflect increased awareness of this top3er4ic. To understand these global social media trends, you’ll need a lot of data and effective tools to analyze them. If you want to spend less time on it, you can hire a team of data analysts to help you get the most out of your data.

Trend 8. The Boom of the Creator Economy

If you’re a big fan of Youtube, you might have noticed that many channels are monetized. That can be an external sponsorship site, a subscription through Youtube, or branded collaborations. This notion isn’t new when it comes to collaborations with content creators. In fact, we witnessed the rise of influencer marketing that streamlined the creation of paid sponsorships. A few years ago, content creators published content to keep track of their network or be popular. Monetization options weren’t widespread. But the advent of influencer marketing changed everything. And today, influencer marketing spending has grown to the extent that some companies allocate a large part of their marketing budget to it. This social media trend will continue to unfold in 2023 since brands are hungry for content ideas. And content creators find new ways to monetize their followings.

Trend 9. Personalized Ads on Social Media

Paid advertising brings tremendous results. That’s why more and more businesses plan to increase their social media advertising budget. And since video and graphic content are at the top of social media trends, there’s no surprise that Instagram and TikTok will enjoy the most ad spending on social media. Youtube, LinkedIn, and Facebook will also see an increase in ad traffic and content promotion. Marketers report that these channels will most effectively reach their business goals. When it comes to ad content, businesses will have to get a little creative to boost their conversion rate and visibility and use social proof and user-generated content to stand out.

Trend 10. Integration of Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics has been making waves across all industries. Now we can foresee it penetrating marketing. More social media and marketing professionals have begun integrating predictive analytics into their processes. Social media listening will easily provide the big data needed, and AI capabilities will help to provide businesses with valuable and accurate data. With these capabilities, business owners can look into the future of a campaign, trend, or topic and conclude how it will behave in the upcoming months. According to statistics, only 42% of marketers have predictive analytics capabilities. So you can expect this will change in 2023. Marketers will use predictive analytics to analyze past performance, anticipate consumer trends, and predict the future. eCommerce isn’t the only industry predictive analytics is reshuffling. And in 2023, we’ll see it making a big difference in social media marketing.

Social Media Trends by Platform

Youtube Trends

In the year 2023, Youtube will become an even more essential part of successful social media marketing campaigns. With over two billion active users worldwide, marketers will continue to capitalize on its massive reach and broad audience engagement potential. As such, trends in online video advertising are expected to strengthen as advertisers increasingly allocate more budget to Youtube advertising activities.

The power of influencer marketing is likely to continue, with many brands seeking out celebrities and micro-influencers who have large followings on Youtube for sponsored campaigns and product placements. Additionally, companies will also be tempted by the option of native” or “contextual” ads that are integrated into videos already watched by consumers. Such ads will be specifically tailored to the interests of targeted audiences allowing companies to deliver personalized messages while still providing a positive viewing experience.

Another trend expected in 2023 is the increased use of interactive video content, which allows viewers to interact with a video in real time. One example of this type of content is clickable annotation links which enable viewers to click through various sections of a video while they watch it. These videos allow companies to make it easier for customers to access important information, such as product specifications or pricing details, with minimal effort from their side.

Live streaming technology will likely remain popular in the upcoming years as it enables live engagement between customers and brands in real time. Live streaming can be used for Q&A sessions with influencers or product demonstrations which can help increase brand awareness and loyalty among viewers by showcasing expert knowledge or demonstrating product usage techniques in an engaging way. Additionally, live streaming can also be used for exclusive events such as product releases or special sales activities, which can help generate excitement among potential customers and encourage them to purchase products quickly before stocks run out.

Another developing trend worthy of mention is 360-degree videos which look similar but are much more immersive than traditional videos due to the ability of users to view 360-degree angles within the same video clip. This technology helps create a richer user experience as viewers can choose what parts they want to focus on depending on their preferences at any given moment, thus creating a more engaging viewing environment than standard videos could ever provide. This type of video is ideal for virtual tours, or behind-the-scenes peeks into manufacturing facilities giving customers unprecedented access into previously off-limits areas and deepening trust between customers and brands.

Instagram Trends

One of the biggest marketing trends of 2023 is influencer marketing. Influencers are a great way for companies to leverage their reach on Instagram. By partnering with an influencer with a large and engaged following, brands can tap into an entirely new audience at a minimal cost. Furthermore, influencers often create authentic content that resonates with users much more than traditional advertisements do.

Another trend marketers should consider implementing is interactive content. As technology continues to develop, people are finding new ways to interact with content on Instagram. This includes interactive polls, quizzes, and stories that capture users’ attention and encourage them to engage directly with brands. Companies can also utilize features such as AR filters or even live-streaming events in order to offer customers a novel experience on their page.

Finally, it is important for marketers to remember that organic growth should still be a cornerstone of their strategy in 2023. While paid advertising can certainly help boost visibility and reach more people, having organic content that engages followers will always be key for long-term success on Instagram. Creating quality posts that showcases brand values is essential for building relationships with customers and creating loyal fans in the long run!

TikTok Trends

One of the most interesting trends that we’ll likely see in 2023 is the increased use of short-form video content as a way for businesses to engage their audiences. Short-form videos have become increasingly popular on platforms like TikTok and Instagram due to their ability to quickly convey a message or story without consuming too much time or energy from viewers. We’ll likely see brands leveraging this format creatively as they look for new ways to grab attention and spark engagement with their audience.

Additionally, as TikTok continues its growth as a platform and gains more recognition among marketers, it is expected that there will be an influx of influencers joining the network, which could open up exciting opportunities for brands looking for relevant spokespeople or ambassadors. Influencer marketing has grown immensely over the years, and now it seems that TikTok is poised to become the go-to place for those looking for influencer content.

Finally, with more businesses turning towards AI technology and automation tools when it comes to social media marketing in 2023, we can expect even more innovative uses of artificial intelligence on platforms such as TikTok. By harnessing AI algorithms that can automate certain tasks, such as responding to comments and suggesting relevant content tailored towards each individual user, marketers can save time while simultaneously increasing engagement and improving user experience across their channels.

How to Advertise on TikTok: The Ultimate Guide 2022

Social Media Trends are Changing

Popular trends start small. Before engaging in any brand action, consider what your consumer wants and prioritize their needs. Be able to predict changing demands and ensure that your brand is a crucial part of consumer conversations. But be careful not to spread yourself on everything. Start with a few trends that can fit into your marketing strategy. Find out what works best, and consider how to improve your social media marketing. If, at this stage, you need professional guidance and assistance, turn to a digital marketing agency or consultancy. They’ll help you navigate your journey and squeeze maximum results out of your data.

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